Tuesday, May 24, 2011

prom omg

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-n4Rb85gwa1g/Tdw5399eTZI/AAAAAAAAAB4/mD05ycCpFYA/s1600/Kendra+and+Clay+2011+Prom.jpgSo last night was prom and that was an Avalon prom. So for the people who do not know I go to a GLBT friendly school and not because I am and I’m not but for the education. so I go to prom right (one girl asked me and I could not refuse that now could I) and I see several guys warring dresses and some of them I think are strait so I am confused and some of the gay guys are warring suites this was funny. now I am not even to the good bit yet, no my mom was there and you have no idea the humiliation in that if you ever go to prom do not let your mom go! one thing that I want to say is that prom is like a last little bit of school get together at the end of the year so we are satisfied that we got everything that we planed to and that is one reason that we have prom I think that it was a good experience for everyone (except for my mom being there). 

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